On Tuesday, October 8th, Johnathan Tepperman of published an article on the New York Times entitled, The Best Reason to Bet on America. In his article Tepperman recalls finally being sworn in as a US citizen, something he had secretly desired for a long time. He continues to go on about growing up in Canada and his reasons for wanting to live in the United States. Tepperman's main argument is that we should have faith in our Economy. He states, "Yes, the U.S. economy is still weak. But it’s also showing signs of new life, whether the rebound in manufacturing or the country’s dazzling innovation in energy, high technology, and higher education." Which is a good point. Tepperman seems to be directing this article to the many people who seem to think America is doomed forever. He gives good reasons and evidence from our past to show that its not and that America is getting better.
I agree with this article in that the economy is getting better and that we have good reason to stay loyal. Although I see America improving very slowly, I can definitely agree with Tepperman on the direction it is heading in. I can see he had good reason for writing this article as well. Many people seem to thing America is going down the tube and wont ever get any better and that they should get out now while they still can. I think this article will help further understand people's understanding that America is in a hard time but its going to get better over time. All people have to do is have faith.
I agree that the U.S. economy is getting better but the only way we can really notice change is after a while. Change does not occur overnight and only when time has passed can we see how much we have advanced. Some people want the economy to become healthier than it ever was and for money to rain down from the sky but when we are talking about a nation, things happen at a slower pace also there is a process that any action either to benefit the economy or change a law must pass through and rarely do they make it out alive. There isn’t much that we citizens can do except sit back and see how this turns out, but I also believe that since Johnathan Tepperman is Canadian then he see America in a different light and can see the changes in the economy better than an American.